Monday, March 5, 2007


As we get closer and closer to the hearing date, there seems to be more and more letters coming out in support of the Bottle bill. Check out this one in the Baltimore Examiner:

Hammen’s bill is great way to clean up state
It was great to see Del. Peter Hammen, D-Baltimore City, sponsor a necessary bottle bill for the state of Maryland (“Bill targets Inner Harbor litter problem,” Feb. 14). The benefits of such a bill stretch far beyond the Inner Harbor.
Statewide, the Maryland State Highway Administration spends about $8 million a year of taxpayer money for highway litter cleanup. It is estimated that beverage containers comprise 40 percent to 60 percent of that litter. The five-cent incentive on beverage containers is fully refundable and will encourage recycling and control our litter problems in our water and roadways.
It also would take an immense burden off taxpayers, as the unclaimed deposits would pay for litter control and recycling programs. Maryland needs to ensure a cleaner, healthier environment by way of a bottle-deposit program.
Jennifer Will Baltimore


To: The editor From: Alice M. Arbuckle Elkton Cecil County residents and Marylanders who recycle everyday trash need to be informed that there is a legislative hearing scheduled for March 7 at 1 p.m. in Annapolis for the Maryland Bottle Bill.Basically, this bill will set up a State Recycling Trust Fund to pay redemption centers the refund value of the returned beverage containers. Furthermore, each county in the state will set up and run at least one redemption center.Delegate Peter A. Hammen (District 46) introduced H.B. 839; the actual nuts and bolts of this bill are 16 typewritten pages of 405 sentences.H.B. 839 provides a monetary incentive, thus becoming a logical anti-litter device.If you are an avid recycler, now is the time to contact the Cecil County delegates and senators to support H.B. 839.

WOW...Let's keep those wonderful letters coming in and I hope to see you all down in Annapolis for the Wednesday hearing at 1PM

Keep on Bottlin'!

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